Association Squad Training – Rayleigh

10 January 2016 sensei 0

32 members from 4 different clubs were present on Saturday 9th January for the first squad training of 2016. Our coaches were in full force in both kata and kumite. The 2 hour session started with Sensei Paul Simmons taking […]

Association Squad Training – Edenbridge

11 April 2015 sensei 0

Saturday 11th April saw FKA second squad training of the year and this was a really good course with our new Kata head Anthony Balkissoon and kata champion Keiran Nunkoo. Training went very well and was taken by Sensei Anthony […]

Association Squad Training – Rayleigh

10 January 2015 sensei 0

Saturday 10th January was this years first karate association training of the year. With over 30 students in attendance the session started with basic kihon followed by kumite fight offs. The session was held in Rayleigh at Forza karate club and the venue and […]