Meopham Open 2016 – 13 Competitors 15 Medals!
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Sunday 28th February 2016 saw the juior squad competing Kata and Kumite. Khalsa Karate had 13 competitors and took home 15 medals. Coaches Anthony Balkissoon, David Washington, Gerald Robb and Sensei Sat were all there too support the young squad of 13 compete at what brings a tough competition each year. That said the club raised the standard and really went out to prove that what there working on is being rewarded.
Results are as follows :
Kata Squad –
Kieron Nunkoo – Gold
Ola – Gold, Gold, Bronze, Bronze (4 medals)
Oian – Double Bronze
Daniel Croft – Bronze
Kumite Squad –
Florence Bradley – Gold
Ciara Gray – Gold
Jenna Cato – Gold
Rachel Eagleton – Gold
Ashley To – Gold
Jack McGrath – Silver
Zuko Robb – Silver
Emily McGrath – Silver (lost to florence, this was her first ever comp winning 3 rounds)
Sam – Won first fight, lost quarters 2-4.
The day was a training exercise to enjoy your fighting, learn from your mistakes, work techiques however the kumite squad were adamant they wanted to win and very little points were given away 8 in total from all fighters combined. The kata squad were so poised and confident and went out to prove that there hard work is really paying off.
Sensei Sat commented “Overall the club were amazing, due to the hard work of all the coaches, parents and students. These comps are really enjoyable and students need to understand win or loose somedays things will go our way and somedays they wont, we just have to go back and re-group on techniques, or areas of work and push harder on what works. This has been a great start to the year for the junior kumite and kata squad and i as head coach am very proud of all ther hard work dedication and quality they all put in. My thanks goes to my instructors, vounteers, parents and YMCA, FKA for their continued support.”