JHKA 4th Open Championships 2024 

I would like to congratulate all involved in organising, running and taking part in JHKA’s 4th Open Championships. We held our event in our home dojo, The Forest Row Centre in Collier Row.
By running these events, it’s amazing to see the progress made by all our students that have continued their training over the past few years, we have some brilliantly talented students coming through. If we look back on the year that we have had, we have seen some fantastic results at National and International level, it all starts here at club level.
Well done to all our new students that took part in their first ever competition, I hope you all enjoyed it and learned lots in preparation for next time. A special well done to all the second timers that entered this competition, it’s great to see you all come back for another go and try to improve from your first competition experience. Well done to all students that moved into a new age category, this is where your development can flourish. Every loss is a lesson and every lesson will develop you for the even bigger moments to come!
Congratulations to this years Champions and medallists, we are so proud of you all!
4-6 Years Kumite
1. Annabelle Buss (Forza Karate Club)
2. Theo Gerson (Enfield Dojo)
3. Milana Sava (Collier Row Dojo)
4. Robert Lytovka (Chigwell Dojo)
4-6 Years Slam Man
1. Ayla Couldridge (Enfield Dojo)
2. Annabelle Buss (Forza Karate Club)
3. Joey Sanders (Collier Row Dojo)
4. Theo Gerson (Enfield Dojo)
7-9 Years Kata
1. Harley Couldridge (Enfield Dojo)
2. Aiden Jackson (Chingford Dojo)
3. David Mahu (Collier Row Dojo)
4. Taylor Gerson (Enfield Dojo)
7-9 Years Kumite
1. Leandro Yanes Baragano (Collier Row Dojo)
2. Taylor Gerson (Enfield Dojo)
3. Marcellus Austria (Chigwell Dojo)
4..Dervis Maraslioglu (Chigwell Dojo)
7-9 Years Slam Man
1. Harley Couldridge (Enfield Dojo)
2. Maxim Sava (Collier Row Dojo)
3. Tavneet Sehmi (Collier Row Dojo)
4. Marcellus Austria (Chigwell Dojo)
10-13 Years Kata
1. Zane Chapman (Enfield Dojo)
2. Jonah-Berri Ochiabuto (Chingford Dojo)
3. Zakaria Khelloufi (Enfield Dojo)
4. Diego Austria (Chigwell Dojo)
10-13 Years Boys Kumite
1. Kai Ross (Enfield Dojo)
2. James Baldock (Chingford Dojo)
3. Jenson Ward (Chingford Dojo)
4. Zakaria Khelloufi (Enfield Dojo)
10-13 Years Girls Kumite
1. Lea Delibaltova (Enfield Dojo)
2. Lois Morgan (Collier Row Dojo)
3. Amelia Thomas (Chingford Dojo)
4. Ivy Grierson (Collier Row Dojo)
10-13 Years Slam Man
1. Harry Morgan (Collier Row Dojo)
2. Zane Chapman (Enfield Dojo)
3. Eliseo Ubor (Enfield Dojo)
4. Jonah-Berri Ochiabuto (Chingford Dojo)
14-18 Years Kata
1. Kobe Yogarajah (Forza Karate Club)
2. Rhea Chapman (Enfield Dojo)
3. Isabel Wyatt (Collier Row Dojo)
4. Yuan Yogarajah (Forza Karate Club)
14-18 Years Male Kumite
1. Yuan Yogarajah (Forza Karate Club)
2. Louie Sanders (Collier Row Dojo)
3. Kobe Yogarajah (Forza Karate Club)
4. Aden Tahsildar (Enfield Dojo)
14-18 Years Female Kumite
1. Isabel Wyatt (Collier Row Dojo)
2. Khemilya Ubor (Enfield Dojo)
3. Rhea Chapman (Enfield Dojo)
4. Alisha Emambacus (Enfield Dojo)
Thanks to Forza Karate Club for supporting the event and to the Forza competitors that took part. I am sure that they all had a fantastic time coming away with 3 golds, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals!!
Unfortunately no athletes from TCB or Frontier School of Karate on this occasion, we hope to see you next year.
Well done to all involved and all that were brave enough to step onto the tatami. It is great to see you all put your karate skills to the test in a competition environment.
Thank you to our senior black belt instructors for helping run this event, Sensei Anthoni and Sensei Hayley. Thank you to the Mat team for helping throughout the day (Senpai Isabel, Senpai Ethan, Senpai Silina, Senpai Kayleigh, Christine, Harry W, Jamie, Rhea, Alisha and Adam).
Thank you to all the students and parents for your support at the competition.