On Saturday may the 14th of May Khalsa karate kata squad travelled down to Liverpool to compete in CIKA international championship organised by junior leferve.
This tournament has build its reputation around its founder junior leferve for those that don’t know sensei leferve is one of the worlds leading coaches in both kata and kumittee, he has trained many leading current national squads and athletes to European and world success.
Sensei Anthony Balkissoon and his athletes Ola, Kieran and eoin , have all had an amazing successful year so far, and they wanted to impress sensei leferve .
Ola competing in the female cadet category won through four rounds to win yet another gold
Round 1 Annan 5-0
Round 2 Annan dai 5-0
Round 3 paperin 5-0
Round 4 khatnyara kushanku 5-0
Eoin competing at male kata level lost out in the second round
Eoin won his first round with unsu 3-0
But Eoin on his second round kata stepped out the area whilst performing Annan and was disqualified, a rookie error for such an experienced athlete.
Kieran competed at men’s senior level won gold after 3 rounds
Round one unsu 5-0
Round two kosukun dai 5-0
Chatnyara kushanku 5-0
Ola and Eoin also competed within the pairs category.
They won though 4 rounds repeating Bassai dai every round, Ola winning her second gold and Eoin winning a gold , Eoin attracted a lot of attention from many coaches all praising him.
Sensei leferve paid homidge to sensei Anthony and his kata squad saying that these athletes are all outstanding and have such an amazing future ahead of them, inviting sensei Anthony and his team out to Belgium to show case their talent.
He also commended sensei sat, sensei sat like we all know is an amazing man, with an amazing heart but above all,if it was not for sensei sat many of us would not be competing at the level we are.