The YMCA Hawker centre was the setting for March association squad training, with association national coaches present. Sensei Paul Simmons, Sensei Sat Sehra and Sensei Anthoni Everitt.
Sensei Paul conducted the warm up session and work on precision training, still showing glimpses of his international days as a England Senior competitor with superb Jodan kicks on forza Ryan Casey head.
Sensei Sat worked on kizami zuki / tobikomizuki, breaking down the finer points of this technique, whilst Sensei Anthoni worked on line work, and paired off students to work on drills, including timing gyak, breaking off and counter and take downs.
The squad training was very well attended with over 35 competitors, ageing from 6 years whilst some of our A squad members were competing internationally with David Thomas (FSK) and Sophie Santilo competing in the Dutch Open and Kieran Nunkoo representing England in a friendly international in France.
I would like to congratulate everyone that trained at the event, every squad training there is an improvement in intensity and will to do well.
Keep up the great work and see you at the next squad training at
Squad Training – Saturday 2nd July – Edenbridge
W.I Hall, Station Rd, Edenbridge, TN8 5PA
Here are some images from the event
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