
Welcome to Frontier Karate Association

Members of: English Karate Federation, British Karate Federation, BIMAF, European and World Karate Federation

We provide membership and professional recognition to Karate clubs and orgainsations. We provide the following to our members
* Professional Instructor Insurance
* Member to Member Insurance
* Event and Open Competition Insurance for Clubs and Associations
* CRB Checking
* Dan Grade Recognition
* Business Expansion Support
* Marketing Material
* Full Squad Training and Coaching Support

For more information please contact us at our head office on 01273 702 662/ 07970 686054

If you are not a Karate school or club but would like support for your Martial Art School/club and would like to become recognised and join our umbrella federation then please go to ‘The British and International Martial Arts Federation (BIMAF)’ page and find out more.

Head Office: 01273 702 662 External: 07970 686054