Valentines Day Special by Sensei Sat Sehra

Sunday 14th February was for all Valentines day, however for two Khalsa Champions it was back on the mat and fighting for another medal! Both Samantha Whitfield and Zuko Robb both travelled over 3 hours all the way to Birmingham to fight in the PC Open.

Both guys were amazing with Zuko Robb having three fights and taking the Gold and Sam Whitfield fighting and also taking Gold.

Both fighters took a lot of positives away from the day, and both continue to thrive and enjoy there fighting.

Whilst the juniors were competing, our senior fighter Sophie was training in Barnsley with the England Team, travelling alone whilst Sensei Sat was holding the fought with his Instructors at the club and another packed class of 40 students.

Sensei Sat commented “My heartily congrats to both students who continue to impress me with there determination and results! My thanks also goes to YMCA who continue to support us, Sensei Robb for all his commitment to the squad, Sensei Pat again for all his support and Russell who drove the day having come out of hospital the day before!” Great team effort from everyone!