Budokan, Orleans, France

JHKA and Forza Karate Club teamed up to attend the 2023 Orleans Karate tournament.

A squad of 10 attended and for some their first ever experience competing at international level outside the uk.

The squad were given a task of trying to win their first fight. Some were unlucky, some were lucky to fight the finalist and get another go for Bronze. No matter the result, the squad coaches would be proud of even a medal at this event.

  • Harry Morgan –  1st Round, 2nd Round
  • Eliseo Ubor – 1st Round, 2nd Round, 3rd Round, 4th Round – repo charge final
  • Jenson Ward – 1st Round, 2nd Round
  • Jamie Ward – 1st Round
  • Ava Ogunyadeka – 1st Round, 2nd Round, 3rd Round – repo charge final
  • Khemi Ubor – 1st Round, 2nd Round
  • Aaron Johnson-Campbell – 1st Round, 2nd Round
  • Maria Syrichas – 1st Round – No Repo – charge
  • Quentin Wong  1st Round – No Repo – charge
  • Kobe Yogarajah 1st Round – Repo Charge – 1st round, final

Squad Coaches
Sensei Anthoni and Sensei Jade

Many thanks to the parents for the support and cheering. I hope you all enjoyed the experience as much as we did.